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A cup of good health

A cup of good health

Ancient civilizations have advocated drinking tea to be healthy. Modern medicinal research now comes to the same conclusion. 

Tea or chai as it is known in the Indian subcontinent is used as a popular beverage worldwide. There is enough new research to show that its ingredients have medicinal benefits. While some of the main results show that regular tea drinkers can slow the onset of cardiovascular diseases. It is also discovered to improve metabolic health. This is just from green tea and black tea. Another common cardiovascular condition, atherosclerosis (the systematic build-up of fat and cholesterol in the arteries) can be prevented with regular consumption of tea, backed by a healthy diet and exercise. Apart from these, it is scientifically proven that the accumulation of catechins and theaflavins in tea has anti-ageing and antidiabetic properties.

Join us. Let’s drink (tea) to good health.